"schoolyam.com/in" thanks would like to thank you and values your purchase with us. This section describes policies on payments received from customers and returns to customers for products ordered.
Presently payment methods available with through Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Net banking wallets only. As and when other methods will be incorporated, the same would be updated here as well. Your Credit/Debit card information remains private and confidential. We offer you a secure online payment gateways which uses Secure Sockets Layer security technology to protect your Card information. We accept only Indian cards. No International cards are supported. For making payment VIA card you need to enter your 16 digit Credit/Debit card number and the 3 digit CVV (Card Verification Value) code which is at the back of your card and complete the payment.
The Demonstration of products is provided by the manufacturing company and is provided on certain products only, in case of further clarifications, we would request to contact us on (9519062549) or email us on (Email ID) "schoolyam@jpgroups.org" and we will be happy to help you on the same.